Samsung recently announced its latest flagship smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S24 series in January with significant upgrades. Out of the three smartphones launched, the Galaxy S24 Ultra stood out for featuring two chipsets – the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor in the US, Canada and China, and the Exynos 2400 in other markets including India. In a recent leak, it is speculated that the company may completely ditch the Snapdragon chipset for its next flagship series, the Samsung Galaxy S25 in favour of its in-house Exynos. Know what Samsung has in store for its Galaxy S25 series.
Samsung Galaxy S25 chipset
Samsung’s flagship smartphones are highly appreciated for their performance and cameras. Now, with the integration of the Galaxy AI feature, the latest flagship Galaxy S24 series has been gaining more popularity. Samsung has provided the Galaxy S24 and S24 Plus users with the Exynos 2400 chipset instead of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor. However, according to a new leak by Connor via X post, Samsung may only use the Exynos chipset for its next S-series smartphones globally, starting with the Galaxy S25. Therefore, the company may completely ditch the use of Snapdragon chips. The tipster also replied to a comment saying, “Just a rumor i heard.. not my source.”
Also read: Samsung Galaxy S24 review: Shines brightly in the premium market
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The source also suggested that the Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset will only be utilized for the Galaxy Z-series and Exynos chipset for the entire S-series devices. That said, it’s quite early to make an assumption about a device that is almost a year away from launching. However, it is possible that the device may be in the conceptual stage. The rumor also highlights Samsung’s trust in its in-house processor over the Snapdragon chips which power several of its competitors including the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, Iqoo 12, Honor Magic 6 Pro, and others.
Earlier, Samsung used to include an Exynos processor in most of S-series devices. However, with the Galaxy S23, the trend was changed with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor powering all the devices. Now, it looks like Samsung may change the trend with the next year’s Galaxy S25 series.
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