iPhone 16 launch in India will take place on September 9 at 10:30pm IST. At the Apple event 2024, the company will unveil the new iPhone 16 series that comprises four models – iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. Almost every detail about the upcoming iPhones has been leaked online ahead of the launch and if the reports are to be believed, the vanilla iPhone 16 will be the most value for money model in the Apple flagship lineup. With new colour options, design and range of upgrades, the Apple iPhone 16 is set to be a major jump up from its predecessor iPhone 15. Although Apple has not officially revealed anything about the iPhone 16, leakers and analysts have suggested what you can expect in terms of features and pricing.
iPhone 16 price in India may be less than iPhone 15 launch price
Apple has kept the prices of the base models in the flagship series consistent for the past several years. iPhone 13, iPhone 14 and iPhone 15, all were launched at a starting price of ₹79,900. However, the iPhone 16 may turn out to be a special one and it is likely that its price may be less than iPhone 15 launch price.
Not sure which
mobile to buy?
Also read: iPhone SE 4 may launch alongside iPhone 16 at Apple event 2024: Here’s what we know so far
Apple recently reduced the price of iPhone 15 series models in India after the government announced reduction in the basic customs duty (BCD) on imported mobile phones and printed circuit board assemblies. While the iPhone 15 Pro Max witnessed the biggest price cut, iPhone 15’s price was reduced down ₹79,600. Keeping Apple’s pattern and recent reduction in mind, it is expected that the iPhone 16 will likely cost ₹79,600 in India at launch.
Also read: Apple event 2024: 8 exciting upgrades in iPhone 16 series that you shouldn’t miss
iPhone 16 India launch: How to watch live
As mentioned earlier, iPhone 16 India launch will take place during Apple event 2024 on September 9. The iPhone 16 launch event will begin at 10:30pm IST and it can be streamed liveon Apple’s official website and Apple’s YouTube channel.
Catch all the latest updates on Apple Event 2024. Discover everything you need to know about the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, and iPhone 16 Plus.